Hypnotherapy Treatment For Children
At my East Cheshire Hypnotherapy practice I would be delighted to help your child or teenager overcome any problems or difficulties they might be facing in life.
Children are often highly emotional and can take on board (and ‘bottle up’) tremendous amounts of emotion that just simmers under the surface creating a lot of tension and anxiety. Children suffer from stress and anxiety just as much as adults do, but often without the necessary insight (because of their young age) to know what is causing them to feel this way.
I regularly treat with hypnotherapy; bed-wetting, school phobias, behavioural problems, and a whole host of other issues.
The Blowaway Treatment
There is a unique method of hypnotherapy treatment specially designed for children and teenagers of approx. 7 years to 17 years, called the ‘blowaway’ technique.
During this single session with myself, one parent (usually the parent the child gets on with the most) and the child, we can help your child to relax using the wonderful state of hypnosis, and the one-by-one get them to ‘blowaway’ some negative emotions that are causing the problem.
By being allowed to express some emotion, in a warm, safe, supportive atmosphere, many many children find afterwards that they feel like a weight has been lifted off their mind, they feel calmer, more relaxed, more positive, more emotionally stable.
Children respond to hypnotherapy remarkably well and results can be achieved even in a single session.
Is Your Child Or Teenager…
- Having mood problems?
- Wetting the bed regularly (Enuresis)
- Having attention problems at school or been diagnosed with ADHD?
- Being bullied at school
- Quiet, shy and withdrawn?
- Suffering from lack of sleep, stress, nerves?
- Facing exam pressure at school?
- Afraid of dogs or cats or other animals?
- Phobias?
- Still sucking their thumb?
- Having nightmares or night terrors?
- Lacking in confidence?
- Worrying a lot or feeling anxious?
Psychological Well-Being Coaching For Teenagers
Coaching for teenagers is a talking treatment....teaching teenagers how to "manage their thinking" properly. When they get some insight into how their imagination has a powerful effect on how they feel. ...When they recognise some of their limiting beliefs and learn how to take a more internal locus of control...... When they learn the skills to tackle negative thinking..... When children and teenagers are equipped with self awareness, skills and resources that they need to flourish in life...they will flourish.